Sunday, April 1, 2012

Love Palm Sunday? Why?

Mark 14:1-15:47

Today you will attend church and you have an opportunity to be a part of the parading crowd, singing “Hosanna!” (which means, God save us!)  You will hear the Passion Story read in its entirety.  You will pass through the gates of expectations and experiences that have been building throughout the story of your life as you have written and reflected throughout Lent. 

You will now enter Holy Week 2012.  Do everything you can to stay present to each day this week.  This week I encourage you to pay attention to what God is moving and molding in you now rather than what has gone on in your faith journey in previous years. 

Begin today by envisioning the scene when Jesus enters Jerusalem.  Given the truth of who you are TODAY as a person of faith, where would you be?  Following Him?  Standing on the sidelines but still singing out?  Hiding timidly behind closed doors, waiting for the crowd to pass?

Go deeper:   Many people “love” to come to church on Palm Sunday.  Do you?  If so, why?  If not, why not? 

What do you do with the palms you receive every Palm Sunday?  Do you keep them?  Weave them into a cross?  Hang them over a picture?  Place them into your Bible?  Leave them behind? 

Why do you think you do what you do with them?  What do they mean to you? 


  1. Lord, I would be the donkey on which you ride
    Unworthy to carry you,
    but brought into your service all the same
    I am obedient to serve,
    though those around me questioned why you would choose me
    I understand the tears that fell on my mane
    I would never choose the attention of this procession
    Mount and rider, we become one
    I am comforted by your touch
    Your garments cover me
    I go where you lead without question or reservation
    If I exist for this moment only
    It is enough

  2. Deb, I also relate to the donkey. I have never felt like a palm waver or a palm Sunday hosanna singer. I give thanks for your poetic and prayerful offering. Thank you!
