Thursday, March 15, 2012

Claim the power of the Word

Take time to read scripture or lyrics to a hymn that provide strength during a time of cleansing and purification. 

 Think and pray about why the words are particularly powerful for you.  Perhaps the power is connected to a particular time and place.  Perhaps they are words you heard that shook something negative out of you.  Maybe they are words you prayed or spoke as you served as one of God’s truth speakers. 


Psalm 51     Create in me a clean heart
Psalm 102   Do not hide your face from me
Joel 2:12-13   Return to the Lord, your God
Romans 12: 1-5     Present your body as living sacrifices
2 Corinthians 12:7b-10  A thorn in the flesh
1 John 1:5-2:2  If we confess our sin, God is faithful and

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross        ELW #803
Lord Jesus, Think on Me                          ELW #599
Out of the Depths I Cry to You                ELW #600
Built on a Rock                                         ELW #652
Where True Charity and Love Abide       ELW 653

1 comment:

  1. All of the Holy Week hymns really get me as they include me in the crime of Jesus' death. Ah Holy Jesus makes me weep. . . this one is very beautiful too and puts me in deep touch with Christ's amazing sacrifice of love:

    Alas! and did my Savior bleed,

    1. and did my Sovereign die!
    Would he devote that sacred head
    for sinners such as I?

    2. Was it for crimes that I have done,
    he groaned upon the tree?
    Amazing pity! Grace unknown!
    And love beyond degree!

    3. Well might the sun in darkness hide,
    and shut its glories in,
    when God, the mighty maker, died
    for his own creature's sin.

    4. Thus might I hide my blushing face
    while his dear cross appears;
    dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
    and melt mine eyes to tears.

    5. But drops of tears can ne'er repay
    the debt of love I owe.
    Here, Lord, I give myself away;
    'tis all that I can do.
